Bihar has been undergoing silent revolution, the change in behavior and attitude of people is apparent in the urban areas. Nowadays, it is rare to find youths sitting at road side corners as most of them are either employed or engaged in some fruitful occupation. The crowd sitting outside the house of MLAs and MPs has subsided significantly as Biharis have realized very well that most of these politicians care little about them and they will engage in cat fight to take credit for the improvement in their living standards.
This silent revolution has happened because of the migrant workers of Bihar who work in different parts of India and world. People who are living the state have observed perceptible change in the living standards of people who have family members living outside the state. This change is not just confined to economic improvement, the improvement in behavior and willingness to follow social rules is also obvious. Earlier, there were significant number of people in this state who used to equate acts of breaking public law as show of strength but now there is little tolerance for such acts. The fall in the stature of criminal politicians is the testimony to this change of attitude. Most of these petty criminal politicians are spending time in prison or have started occupations which has nothing to do with crime.
This revolution will be complete when people will get rid of shady politicians who are exceptionally well versed in making false statements. On one hand they talk about progress and development with crime free environment. If Bihar wants to become a world class place it will have to find its world class leaders, the current crop of leaders are nothing but bunch of crooks who are operating with sole goal of filling up their pockets with the money which is meant for poor and downtrodden. Ironically, these politicians want to make sure that people remain poor otherwise their divisive politics will go out of business after all you need poor and destitute if you want to win elections in the name of backward class politics.
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